aypublisher, Satu Dekade Lapangan Gas Ruby: Untuk Energi dan Pangan Berkelanjutan

Satu Dekade Lapangan Gas Ruby: Untuk Energi dan Pangan Berkelanjutan

Penulis : Widi Hernowo, Tris Zulfirmie, Tantri Hartini, Ruly Bernaputra
ISBN : 0
Tebal : 68 halaman
Bobot : 250 g
Tahun : 2024

Rp. 99,000

Chek Ongkir ke kotamu:

Mubadala Energy Indonesia is a sidiary of Mubadala Investment Company owned by the government of Abu Dhabi and has been established since 2012. This intensational company is engaged in the field of exploration and upstream production of oil and gas.
Mubadala Energy Indonesia always pays attention to the quality of its products as well as its environmental management. This is proven with the certification of environmental management system ISO 14001:2004 that was acquired in 2015. Furthermore, the company has also obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification and other certifications. Mubadala Petroleum also received PROPER blue award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017.
We are currently maintaining and continuing to develop industrial activities that put environmental management first. Therefore, we present you this book to integrate our concerns over the environment. We hope this book can serve as a reference for those in need.

Nonfiksi | 14,8 x 21 | 68 halaman | Softcover | Full Colour

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